Wednesday, 28 March 2012


After taking a long break, I am back.  With Easter round the corner, I have been busy with church and attending Parish Feast Day.  (and of course learning about Herbalife!)

During the Parish Feast Day, I realised there is such a major food wastage everywhere in the world.  Food is being provided and it seems to be human nature that we do not eat the last morsel on the table as a sign of respect to other people.  But one spoon here and there actually amounts to a lot of food.  I gathered up all the one spoons here and there into my plate and it actually filled up the whole plate!  Haha! Almost felt like Jesus' parable about the 2 fish and 5 loaves feeding the multitude.  

If my ex-husband had been with me, he will be so embarrassed with my collecting all the leftovers to eat but I really couldnt care less anymore.  I am appalled to see people have the attitude "It's only one spoon, I cant take it home".  But one spoon + one spoon + one spoon = lots of spoonful!  

Sometimes I find that we spend too much time worrying how people look at us rather than really do what we want.  I am labelled church mouse but I see it as I am not wasting God's given food to us.  

I used to be one of those that has so much inhibitions and I have to admit that I still do have some but my son has taught me not to feel like this anymore.  Just do what I want as long as my conscience is clear.  If I strongly believe in not wasting food, I will not let comments like 'she eats a lot' stop me.  If I feel that between the age of 1-5 is the only time my son can have freedom, I will not let others make me feel that I am wrong.  Honestly, if you think about it, the only time a human can have total freedom with no responsibility and commitment is the first 5 years of their life.  When school starts, their life is bounded by schedule, exams, etc and then it's work for the rest of the life.  So if he can have the freedom now and maybe slack behind his peers in terms of his ABC or writing, I believe he will catch up.  But at least he has a full carefree childhood. 

Yeah, and I am still criticising the system so I wish I can be the lawmaker and change the entire system in tis world.  A system where there is more respect rather than opinion and rights.  

Saturday, 17 March 2012

Direct Sales

For years I avoided it but yesterday I finally agree to doing it - direct selling!  I am always skeptical with the direct sales and multi level marketing concept and have never really supported but circumstances has thrown me to explore this option now.  

My biggest hurdle would be myself to believe in the system.  I have faith in the product as it is sold in 81 countries - Herbalife!  I got to admit the product itself is very expensive but people who follow it vouch that they see a significant difference especially their weight loss.  Hehe! My challenge is to try out their weight gain program and see whether I can gain the 3kgs I need!

However, I can only try the product after I sell the product as it is so costly.  The product is FDA approved, has its own research institute and is chemical free.  For those dairy intolerant, it's soy based!  Though it says that it is a good supplement for anyone from the age 0 to 100, I personally (as a mother) would not recommend it to babies and toddlers as I still think a proper balanced solid meal is still more important  for a child's growth rather than a full balanced diet in a powder form.  

I would say the product is suitable for busy people or women who wants to fit into their desired wedding dress as you could see the results in 2 weeks if it is done properly.  

I am not exactly technical savvy to have my own webpage therefore if anyone who do read my blog and wants to give Herbalife a try, drop a comment with your e-mail in the comment box and I will e-mail you.  As Herbalife is international, your local office in your country will dispatch the goods to you.  Only thing that I get is commission which is what I need as a single stay at home mother.  :)

For those who have no idea what I am ranting about, here is the link to Herbalife website.   Click on your continent - America, Europe, Middle East, Asia Pacific.  Remember to purchase through me!  Help a single stay at home mother out.  

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Money Cant Buy Love

Money, money, money - no money no talk.  It really seems so important nowadays.   With money, you can have everything.  You can even buy the law.  And if you are not earning money, you are considered 'useless' to the society.  I am being make guilty for not working and staying at home.  I feel that society nowadays seem to perceive staying at home as a SIN.  Just when I am feeling so low with this money business, someone told me about rich young girls selling their bodies to get a sugar daddy.  I was like "why" when they are already rich.  Apparently they are showered with so many gifts but not with love.  They grow up with a nanny and hardly have time with their parents (who are too busy working) so by teenage years, they crave for love and they think that they could get it through selling their body.  They think that attention given to them through their body equates to love.  

After hearing this, I feel much better because in the end, there will never be enough money.  You can earn $1000/month or $10,000/month but it will never be enough.  Money is measurable and because of that it is never enough but love is immeasurable so we set a imaginary milestone and say that it is enough if we achieve this and that.  A millionaire will think he is still not rich enough.  The day when we realised that money is enough is the day we know we are at the other end of our timeline.  Then we realised that we cannot bring our Ipod, Ipad, IMac, 2000sqft house with us.  We cant even bring our expensive jewellery.   All we can bring is ourself, not even the clothes we are wearing.  Then the regret sets in.  We look at our children but they have all grown up and have learnt to follow our path.  We long to give them a hug and have a tickle and a giggle with them but it is too late.  They have past that stage.  For those without children, they wonder who will be preparing their last rite to exit the world.  

Most of us justify to ourselves that we are working hard to give our children the best.  We want to give them the best toys, the best gadget, the best education, etc.  But what about the 'best love'?  IPod can keep you entertained but not for long, IPad is cool but the novelty of it will run out.  Is going to an expensive school with lots of tuition and ballet classes, guitar classes, violin classes really considered 'giving the best' to our kids?  Or would going to a cheaper school but actually having quality time with our children 'giving the best'?  

Thinking back in time, during the days where women rights have not come about, men work and women stay at home to nurture and care for the children, children grew up OK, families survive and most of the inventors and prominent figures emerged.  Maybe there is a reason why God make men and women different.  HE understands that human beings need love as well as money to survive hence the different role for women and men.  

I am thankful to God to give me this second chance.  I used to be one of those who think that giving the best is lots of money to give to parents and my child.  And working in a western country because of the good exchange rate, better country etc.  In the end, there is no country that is better than another, no education system better than another, no government less corrupt than the other.  The only thing that is better is where you are really loved and you can loved back whole heartedly towards your loved ones, be it your family or your child.  Guess it's where I am happy and being accepted.  

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Our Prime Purpose in This Life is To Help Others. And if You Cant Help them, at least dont Hurt Them - Dalai Lama

The title couldnt be more inspiring for my situation.  I stumbled upon the quote when I was feeling isolated.  I felt that people help to look good and make themselves feel good about themselves but only a minority really help because they care.

The church will have an 'Uganda Appeal' and people starts contributing.  They contribute because they felt that it fulfill their obligation to 'help' and it makes them look good and feel good.  But how many actually really cared deeper and wants to know more about why and how the Uganda children are living or take the initiative to research besides money, how else the Uganda children could be helped?  Like adopting one of them instead of doing IVF?  Or as a doctor, offering pro-bono care for them for a year?

Asking for help doesnt come easily for me because of pride but when I do, I am touched with some of the support I get.  But with some, knowing how fragile my emotion and faith is, they have succeeded in making me lose faith.  Saying things like "Let me pray to God first whether I should help".  Oh wow, my first feeling was "If God is like this being so conditional, I sincerely have my doubt about HIM or should I have my doubt about the person's faith?  Seriously, Dalai Lama's quote "...... but if you cant help, at least dont hurt them" is more humane than "Let me check with God whether you deserve help".

Anyway, what goes around comes around, whether it is a church teaching or some other teaching and I sincerely believe in that.  So today's blog will end with a special message to the ex- husband's lawyer whom I know snoops around the internet for anything she could about me.  You are a mother, a woman, and what goes around comes around.  Dont hurt people on the basis of the law.

Monday, 5 March 2012

Another Abduction

Headlines again - another child abduction.  And woo hoo, the Prime Minister is involved because it has already happened.  But when he is confronted as to why all these abduction is happening, he rather turn a deaf ear.  So the NZ policy is "Let things happen and then we can go on headline again!"  "Yipee! We are on the news again."   Cheap publicity Mr Prime Minister.  Link to his speech: Kiwi Custody Battle In Algeria - Yahoo! New Zealand News Video

Well, what can I say from all these:  Dont marry out of your country!  If you are so in love, insist on marrying in your home country (if you are a woman).

Let's see, now we can have this scenario :
1) Woman meet Man from another country.  But now she is very aware of the law and insist that Man marries and stay in her home country.

2) Man convinces Woman to marry in his country.  Also aware of potential kidnapping, he quickly get a Non-Removal Order on the child as soon as the child is born

3) Man convinces Woman to marry in his country.  After birth, Woman feels unsupported and know that it is heading downhill.  Quickly she goes home to her country on the pretext of visiting parents and never return.

Honestly, is this how inter-country/inter-cultural marriage is going to end up?  If the world didnt end in 2012, we will soon have no inter cultural/ inter country marriages because of the law.

What do I want?  Well, I want the same thing as my whole blog which is woman and man is different when it comes to being a parent.  Gives the woman priority when it comes to the children.  Sorry, I know man will hate me for this but it has been done for years and it did worked out OK.  Unfair to man, definitely, but it did worked out and the children of divorces grew up OK.

Secondly, do not make relocation a fight in the court.  Make relocation a criteria just like immigration.  Set a set of criteria and if it is met, allow relocation.  Criteria:
1)  Are the mother and child well provided financially?
2) Are the mother and child well provided emotionally?
3) What is the comparison lifestyle for the mother and child if they relocate compare to staying behind?
4) What are the intentions of the father that prevent relocation?  If it is for physical bonding with the child, it is not good enough.  Why could he micromanage two person's life on that basis?

The quote "The child is a NZ born child, therefore must live in NZ" is probably one of the reason why child abduction is happening. And the charge out rate of lawyers in NZ is another reason why a parent rather abduct than to do it legally.  You will end up bankrupt with no certainly of relocating.  The chances of being able to relocate is based on the Judge of the day.  If he or she wakes up on the wrong side of the bed or have been brought up to think that Asian's live in trees, then you would have wasted $20k or more just to be told NO.