Wednesday 14 March 2012

Money Cant Buy Love

Money, money, money - no money no talk.  It really seems so important nowadays.   With money, you can have everything.  You can even buy the law.  And if you are not earning money, you are considered 'useless' to the society.  I am being make guilty for not working and staying at home.  I feel that society nowadays seem to perceive staying at home as a SIN.  Just when I am feeling so low with this money business, someone told me about rich young girls selling their bodies to get a sugar daddy.  I was like "why" when they are already rich.  Apparently they are showered with so many gifts but not with love.  They grow up with a nanny and hardly have time with their parents (who are too busy working) so by teenage years, they crave for love and they think that they could get it through selling their body.  They think that attention given to them through their body equates to love.  

After hearing this, I feel much better because in the end, there will never be enough money.  You can earn $1000/month or $10,000/month but it will never be enough.  Money is measurable and because of that it is never enough but love is immeasurable so we set a imaginary milestone and say that it is enough if we achieve this and that.  A millionaire will think he is still not rich enough.  The day when we realised that money is enough is the day we know we are at the other end of our timeline.  Then we realised that we cannot bring our Ipod, Ipad, IMac, 2000sqft house with us.  We cant even bring our expensive jewellery.   All we can bring is ourself, not even the clothes we are wearing.  Then the regret sets in.  We look at our children but they have all grown up and have learnt to follow our path.  We long to give them a hug and have a tickle and a giggle with them but it is too late.  They have past that stage.  For those without children, they wonder who will be preparing their last rite to exit the world.  

Most of us justify to ourselves that we are working hard to give our children the best.  We want to give them the best toys, the best gadget, the best education, etc.  But what about the 'best love'?  IPod can keep you entertained but not for long, IPad is cool but the novelty of it will run out.  Is going to an expensive school with lots of tuition and ballet classes, guitar classes, violin classes really considered 'giving the best' to our kids?  Or would going to a cheaper school but actually having quality time with our children 'giving the best'?  

Thinking back in time, during the days where women rights have not come about, men work and women stay at home to nurture and care for the children, children grew up OK, families survive and most of the inventors and prominent figures emerged.  Maybe there is a reason why God make men and women different.  HE understands that human beings need love as well as money to survive hence the different role for women and men.  

I am thankful to God to give me this second chance.  I used to be one of those who think that giving the best is lots of money to give to parents and my child.  And working in a western country because of the good exchange rate, better country etc.  In the end, there is no country that is better than another, no education system better than another, no government less corrupt than the other.  The only thing that is better is where you are really loved and you can loved back whole heartedly towards your loved ones, be it your family or your child.  Guess it's where I am happy and being accepted.  

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