Saturday 10 March 2012

Our Prime Purpose in This Life is To Help Others. And if You Cant Help them, at least dont Hurt Them - Dalai Lama

The title couldnt be more inspiring for my situation.  I stumbled upon the quote when I was feeling isolated.  I felt that people help to look good and make themselves feel good about themselves but only a minority really help because they care.

The church will have an 'Uganda Appeal' and people starts contributing.  They contribute because they felt that it fulfill their obligation to 'help' and it makes them look good and feel good.  But how many actually really cared deeper and wants to know more about why and how the Uganda children are living or take the initiative to research besides money, how else the Uganda children could be helped?  Like adopting one of them instead of doing IVF?  Or as a doctor, offering pro-bono care for them for a year?

Asking for help doesnt come easily for me because of pride but when I do, I am touched with some of the support I get.  But with some, knowing how fragile my emotion and faith is, they have succeeded in making me lose faith.  Saying things like "Let me pray to God first whether I should help".  Oh wow, my first feeling was "If God is like this being so conditional, I sincerely have my doubt about HIM or should I have my doubt about the person's faith?  Seriously, Dalai Lama's quote "...... but if you cant help, at least dont hurt them" is more humane than "Let me check with God whether you deserve help".

Anyway, what goes around comes around, whether it is a church teaching or some other teaching and I sincerely believe in that.  So today's blog will end with a special message to the ex- husband's lawyer whom I know snoops around the internet for anything she could about me.  You are a mother, a woman, and what goes around comes around.  Dont hurt people on the basis of the law.

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