Monday 5 March 2012

Another Abduction

Headlines again - another child abduction.  And woo hoo, the Prime Minister is involved because it has already happened.  But when he is confronted as to why all these abduction is happening, he rather turn a deaf ear.  So the NZ policy is "Let things happen and then we can go on headline again!"  "Yipee! We are on the news again."   Cheap publicity Mr Prime Minister.  Link to his speech: Kiwi Custody Battle In Algeria - Yahoo! New Zealand News Video

Well, what can I say from all these:  Dont marry out of your country!  If you are so in love, insist on marrying in your home country (if you are a woman).

Let's see, now we can have this scenario :
1) Woman meet Man from another country.  But now she is very aware of the law and insist that Man marries and stay in her home country.

2) Man convinces Woman to marry in his country.  Also aware of potential kidnapping, he quickly get a Non-Removal Order on the child as soon as the child is born

3) Man convinces Woman to marry in his country.  After birth, Woman feels unsupported and know that it is heading downhill.  Quickly she goes home to her country on the pretext of visiting parents and never return.

Honestly, is this how inter-country/inter-cultural marriage is going to end up?  If the world didnt end in 2012, we will soon have no inter cultural/ inter country marriages because of the law.

What do I want?  Well, I want the same thing as my whole blog which is woman and man is different when it comes to being a parent.  Gives the woman priority when it comes to the children.  Sorry, I know man will hate me for this but it has been done for years and it did worked out OK.  Unfair to man, definitely, but it did worked out and the children of divorces grew up OK.

Secondly, do not make relocation a fight in the court.  Make relocation a criteria just like immigration.  Set a set of criteria and if it is met, allow relocation.  Criteria:
1)  Are the mother and child well provided financially?
2) Are the mother and child well provided emotionally?
3) What is the comparison lifestyle for the mother and child if they relocate compare to staying behind?
4) What are the intentions of the father that prevent relocation?  If it is for physical bonding with the child, it is not good enough.  Why could he micromanage two person's life on that basis?

The quote "The child is a NZ born child, therefore must live in NZ" is probably one of the reason why child abduction is happening. And the charge out rate of lawyers in NZ is another reason why a parent rather abduct than to do it legally.  You will end up bankrupt with no certainly of relocating.  The chances of being able to relocate is based on the Judge of the day.  If he or she wakes up on the wrong side of the bed or have been brought up to think that Asian's live in trees, then you would have wasted $20k or more just to be told NO.


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