Friday 3 February 2012

Equality, Racism and All that

This is probably continuation of my musing yesterday.  I see in my FB newsfeed articles on racism in Malaysia. Sigh! Seriously racism does occur every where.  Malaysians, wake up, for I have finally woken up.  Like the rest of Chinese Malaysians, I also thought that we were not treated fairly, equally, blah, blah.  OK, maybe to some extent, we are not as privileged as the Malays but does it only occur in Malaysia?  Nope, it occurs anywhere else in the world.  Do you really think in a western country, we as Asians will be treated with equality and no racism.  I see Anti-Asian sentiment everywhere in western country.  Sometimes even as jokes - 'chinky', yellow skin, slitty eyes, our accent by mocking some Asians inability to pronounce R and S.  In comparison, where else in the world can you find a country that observes a Chinese New Year, a Malay New Year, a Western New Year, An Indian New Year and all other races important celebration?  Sure, here in New Zealand, they put up some shows for the Chinese New Year but it is not observed as an important  holiday for us Chinese.  The celebration that is put up is for entertainment purpose, not really explaining the root and meaning of the celebration.  

On the religion side, we can have churches, temples, mosques and they are all respected place of worship.  Our chinese culture is also respected.   We are allowed to have street performances for 1 month during Hungry Ghost Festival!  Come on, try doing this in a western country and you will probably be laughed at.  What?  The chinese really think that the Hades gate open and the souls are roaming the streets eating and watching shows?  - that would be the reaction you get from most (Note most but not all) western counterparts.  

So in terms of racism, I will say No-lah, there is no difference whether you are in an Asian country or western country, whether it's amongst Asian/Asian or Asian/Western.  It occurs everywhere so there is no 'grass is greener' the other side.  Unless maybe you return your origin country!  Even then, I believe some level of racism will still occur.  

As for equality, there is no such thing as Women and Men are equal.  For those feminist women (which I once was), no matter where you are in the world, you are still less preferred for higher position compared to men.  There is still  a salary difference between men and women and it is justified by the 'organisation' as women commitment will be less as she will ultimately want to have a family and might leave the workforce.  So a woman is a riskier investment for corporate gain.  

So, the same goes for family.  Men, why do you have to hurt women for fighting for equality in parenting?  Did God not make it so clear that men provide, women nurture even as early as the conception stage?  All it takes is few seconds for the MAN to provide what is necessary for conception but it takes the WOMAN 40 weeks to nurture that conception.  If God wanted equality, he would have allowed men and women to reproduce without the need for each other.  

Now, for the western idolisation, we Asians arent that bad.  Maybe we are shy, not as outspoken but that doesnt make us any less capable.  Remember Tunku Abdul Rahman gained independence for us in 1957 from the western rulers because he believes we are equally as good ourselves.  But from then many of us still believe we were not good enough so we want to study in a western country, migrate for a better life in a western country, pay the westerners a huge salary when they work as expat in our country because we take it as a blessing to have them in our company.  Aiyah...

As for me, I will be happy if I never work as an engineer again, as long as I can be the mother for my child until he is of age, if I have to cook and bake and knit till then.  As for where I live, I no longer idolise the western world and I am willing to put down my ego and say that I have make a mistake.  Something that most Asians fail to admit is to let down their ego and admit their mistake.  I have honestly found happiness in being a mother and if I could be with him and nurture him the way a mother should, I am willing to give everything else up.  

1 comment:

  1. Please come home mother and son :) I thought it takes more than just a few seconds for conception to happen from a man's perspective? Unless he suffers from pre-mature ejaculation :D
