Monday 16 January 2012

Marmite Pasta

I am sharing this because over the weekend, I discovered my friend's housemate absolutely dislike Marmite/Vegemite.  Just the mention of it, he will squirm in such a way, it cracks me up.  :)  So I decided to take pictures of my marmite pasta dish and upload it.  Maybe one day by serendipity, he will stumble upon my blog and he will know who wrote that.  He could be reading it with his grandchild and say "I know this blogger.  She makes marmite with cheese on toast for her son, Urrggghh!"

A healthy dose of butter

With lots of garlic and onion and big spoonful of marmite

The meat is browned in marmite juice :)

Add the pasta

And lightly tossed eggplant with a spoonful of marmite.
 Into the oven it goes to be baked

Final result which my boy loves - the taste of marmite with grated cheese!